Scientific Coordination Infrastructures and Operating Systems

Supporting collaborative technological solutions

driven by open source software

to streamline the research process and foster open science practices




Upcoming Workshops

@ IPFS Camp, July 11

Brussels, Belgium






Ellie DeSota



Francis Crawley, Liting Chen, Dr Elif Ekmekci

Research assessment and the use of data sovereignty as a pathway for incentivizing and governing data access. What are the implications for the tools we’ll create.


Adin Schmahmann

Adin will review how we would use IPFS to promote more data sovereignty and the current methods for doing that within IPFS.


The IPFS Implementations Fund was established in 2022. We provide financial support for integrations, extensions, and new implementations that make IPFS accessible to more developer communities across a variety of languages, platforms, and systems. In this session, you'll see examples of prior grantees, hear about funding priorities for 2024, followed by a group discussion/Q&A.



What is food anyway? This talk will explore...


This talk will focus on describing the features that open data should have in order to make the most of them. It introduces the FAIR principles and how they can be implemented. It presents the FAIR Implementation Profiles, which provide information on implementation options and point to FAIR Enabling Resources.


This talk will offer practical insights on using Bacalhau to manage compute jobs across diverse environments, addressing challenges like data availability and network resilience. By showcasing non-commercial and academic use cases, such as scientific research, collaborative data analysis, and distributed machine learning, it will advance the discussion on decentralized computing and AI, promoting efficiency and innovation in these fields.


Coffee Break

What is coffee anyway? This talk will explore...


Observing Together: Co-Creation as the missing ingredient in data sustainability



  • Network Mapping
Network Mapping

Workshop Leads

Ellie DeSota

Workshop Description

From all the information during the day, we’ll put together a tentative map of the core remaining problems to develop technical solutions to. Then we’ll dig into the tools that are currently trying to solve these issues, and the limitations they have. 



  • Valuation of Data Collections
  • FAIR Implementation
Valuation of Data Collections

Workshop Leads

Francis Crawley

Workshop Description

We have limited ways of supporting collective decision-making around data collections and deciding if they are worth supporting, accessing, or visiting. These decision making processes meet lack of transparency regarding the data in the collection, lack of documentation, and a need to spend significant time evaluating the integrity and reliability of the data before even being able to have a discussion about that data. Often it is impossible to track back to the creator of the dataset or understand the manipulations to the data.

FAIR Implementation

Workshop Leads

Barbara Magagna, Ellie DeSota

Workshop Description

How do we organize communities around standards that promote collective practices for FAIRness and equity?

@ PyData, Vermont, July 30

Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center

Burlington, VT

Mapping Open Source and Open Science with LLMs

This 1.5 hour workshop will guide participants through building and interacting with an LLM interface of The Map of Open Source Science. Learn how to contribute to the map, how to use the map, and how to experiment with the possibilities of LLMs at a foundational ecosystems level.

Workshop Leads

Ellie DeSota

Jonathan Starr

@ B[OS]TON, October 11

MIT Media Lab

Boston, MA

Coming Soon

@ RSE '24, October 15-17 with NumFOCUS

Albuquerque, NM

The Map of Open Source Science (MOSS) is an interactive, composable database and map designed to disentangle this ecosystem. It answers pivotal questions such as the availability of Open Source Research Software in various domains, their contribution to published research, the key individuals behind these advancements, the ubiquity of tools across government agencies, industry, academic institutions, and other organizations, and the impact of funding on and across these resources.

In this Birds of a Feather session, led by NumFOCUS, we will discuss what has been developed already, familiarize ourselves with the map by adding to it, and work to more closely align the map with the goals of Research Software Engineers. We will explore and discuss impact metrics, dependency graphing, stewardship of open source repositories by organizations, corporations, and institutions, along with citation graphing for open source research software. We will highlight work that has been done in this field, including ETO’s ORCA and Map of Science projects, and we will chart the path forward for the development of an Encyclopédie for the digital knowledge and research ecosystem.

SciOS is a collaborative organization dedicated to ensuring the stable and sustainable operation of a scientific system and supply chain that is open, efficient, and accessible.
We believe that the convergence of culture and technology is critical to achieve this vision.
SciOS maintains a collaborative environment for academics, researchers, technologists, innovators, funders, policy makers, institutions, corporations, and the public.
We develop and facilitate workshops that co-locate these stakeholders, map their tooling ecosystems, identify and map shared problems hindering their progress, and fostering collaborative processes through which we discover and catalyze the development and adoption of technical solutions to these problems.

The SciOS Tech Hub

An extension of NumFOCUS's Map of Open Source Science out of the Open Source Science Initiative

The Map of Open Source Science is an interactive, composable map of problems, projects, tools, organizations, policies, funding, impact, and technologies within open science and open source.

SciOS has set out to map the infrastructure of the scientific system and supply chain.